Coach Franklin

Whether you're an educator, mentor, business coach, volunteer or work in any other capacity to support entrepreneurs, you can leverage Franklin’s capabilities. Franklin empowers you to track and enhance entrepreneurs' progress efficiently, ensuring timely support and maximising impact.

examples of elements in the Franklin Dashboard - coach profile, data management

Attention all coaches! Explore Franklin’s benefits...


Effortlessly track your entrepreneurs’ milestones, gaining a visual snapshot of their progress. This allows coaches to identify patterns and guide with precision, creating a dynamic visual representation of their entrepreneurial journey.


Empower your coaching with actionable insights. Franklin streamlines data visualisation, enabling coaches to make well-informed decisions. This not only personalises your coaching experience but also optimises for efficiency, reducing your workload through a focus on data-driven guidance.


Ensure smooth handovers and efficient knowledge-sharing within your organisation to enhance the collective impact of your coaching team. Simplify the processes and ensure a cohesive experience for both entrepreneurs and coaches.

Guiding Success: Tailored Insights for Maximum Impact

Revolutionise coaching with Franklin! Real-time insights, milestone tracking, and big picture strategy —it's your primary coaching hub. Clear data visualisation makes your coaching a breeze, ensuring a lighter workload and increased efficiency. Because coaching should be impactful and fun!

Have any other questions?

Check out some common questions we get in our FAQ section. If you still have any questions please reach out to us!

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Join us in shaping the future of entrepreneurship learning and guidance! As a member of our Earlybird Community, you'll be the first to try out our app, providing direct input for its enhancement, while connecting with other passionate, budding entrepreneurs across the globe.